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Sesja prowadzona na chatcie, klimaty generic cyberpunk.
notatnik sesjowy:
Playlista na Spotify
- System RPG: Ex Machina
- Setting: IOSHI
- Mechanika: Tri-Stat dX
- Modyfikacje systemu/settingu/mechaniki: k8, 100cp, 30sp
Gracze i postacie
Mistrz gry: Cyber Killer
Limit graczy: 2
- 2M1R - Tony Drake (Engineer)
- AbuDhabi - Jack „Death Machine” Simmons (Violent Criminal)
- AranGuldin ?
Postać 2M1R
Name: Tony Drake
Occupation: Engineer
Stats: [total 36p]
- Body: 4 (adult human average) [8p]
- Mind: 8 (extremely capable) [16p] +3 (tech) = 11
- Soul: 6 (Significantly above human average) [12p]
- ACV: 6+2 = 8
- DCV: 4+2 = 6
- HP: 50+20 = 70
- Shock: 14
- Tech template [15p]
- Tinker template - talent [5p]
- 2x cyberarm [2x4p]
- cyberlegs [6p]
- 2x cybereye (infravision, ultravision) [2x2p]
- reinforced skeleton [2p]
- regenerating nanobots [6p]
- 2x cyber ear (ultrasonic hearing) [2x1p]
- 2x neural jack [2p]
- com implant [2p]
Attributes: [total 2p]
- Combat technique [Portable armoury] - 1 (tech) - łatwy dostęp do swojej posiadanej broni, możliwość modyfikacji w terenie [Lightning reflexes] - 1 [1p] +5 inicjatywa
- Gadgeteer - 1 (tech) + 2 (tinker) = 3
- Gadgets - 3 (tech)
- Highly skilled - 1 (tech)
- Features [tinker] - 1 (tinker) Features (Tinker) lets the character cancel all penalties to Mind-Based Demolitions, Electronics, Mechanics, Physical Sciences, and Police Sciences Skill checks resulting from inadequate equipment. This requires that the character take an extra five rounds to jury-rig the necessary tools.
- Cred [Church of Technology] (1p/lvl) - 2 [2p]
- Regeneration - 1 (nanobots) - +5hp/runda
- Attack Combat Mastery - 2 [6p] +2ACV
- Defense Combat Mastery - 2 [4p] +2DCV
- Armour (shield) - 1
- Superstrength (-2 part of body: one arm) - 1 - +10 melee dmg, can lift 1 tonne, +4 on body strength tests
- Special defense (pain 2x; -1 part of body: one arm; acts as 2BP) - 2
- Jumping - 1
- Combat technique (leap attack) - 1
- Superstrength (-1 part of body: both legs) 1 - +10 melee dmg, can lift 1 tonne, +4 on body strength tests
- Special defense (pain 2x; -1 part of body: both legs) - 2
- Heightened senses (infravision) - 1
- Heightened senses (ultravision) - 1
Reinforced Skeleton:
- Toughness - 1 - +20hp
- Heightened senses (ultrasonic hearing) - 1
Neural jack:
- Features (Neural Jack; Socket interface; -1 Bane: Neural feedback) - 2
Com implant:
- Features (Implant com) - 1
Skills: [total 29p]
- Burglary [hot wiring] - 1 (tech)
- Comuters [electronic warfare] - 1 (tech)
- Demolitions [artificial structures] - 1 (tech)
- Electronics [cybernetics & robotics] - 2 (tech)
- Mechanics [armourer & gunsmith] - 1 (tech)
- Driving [big rig] - 2 [2x4p]
- Gun Combat [pistol & auto-fire] - 1 (tech) +1 [8p]
- Heavy weapons [gunnery] - 2 [2x6p]
Defects: [total +1p]
- Significant other [sister] - 1 (tech)
- Unappealing - 1 (-2 penalty on any Seduction skill use)
Stuff: [3 major + 12 minor gadgets]
- Ruger High Standard (light pistol) [minor]
- P90 (pdw) [major] + Neural interface (+1att) [minor]
- M203 (grenade launcher) [minor] + 1 additional ammo [minor]
- 1x satchel charge [major] + 1x remote detonator [minor]
- 2x concussion grenade [2x minor]
- 2x smoke grenade [2x minor]
- Big Rig + enclosed cargo [major]
- Micro tool puch [minor]
- Micro bug [minor]
- Liquid (spray) bandage [minor] (reduces time required to apply first aid to critical injury from 10 to 3 rounds)
Attack | To hit | Base DMG | Crit | 100% | 75% | 50% | 25% | Defense | Notes |
Unarmed | 8 (acv) | 10 | 28 | 18 | 16 | 13 | 11 | 6 | - |
Ruger High Standard | 11 | 8 | 24 | 16 | 14 | 12 | 10 | 6 | concealable, low penetration, short range |
P90 | 11 | 6 | 12+8 | 6+8 | 5+8 | 3+8 | 2+8 | 6 | auto-fire, penetrating, spreading, short range |
M203 | 10 | 25 | 58 | 33 | 27 | 21 | 15 | 6 | area effect, inaccurate, limited shots (1) |
Satchel | 8 | 40 | 88 | 48 | 38 | 28 | 18 | 6 | 8m radius, like a concussion grenade, melee range |
Concussion grenade | 8 | 30 | 68 | 38 | 30 | 23 | 16 | 6 | area effect x3, concealable, limited shots (1), self-destruct, short range |
Smoke grenade | 8 | 0 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 6 | 3m radius, 3-8 rounds of nontoxic smoke → -4 attack check penalty |
Minęły już 3 lata od czasu kiedy Tony poddał się eksperymentalnej operacji ulepszania swojego ciała… Sam nie wiedział czemu się na to zgodził, może to jego przekonanie o „misji” przekonania ludzi że technologia to jedyny sposób na ewolucję gatunku homo sapiens, albo też chęć życia po stracie rodziców. Tony to utalentowany inżynier, który naprawi wszystko, od karabinu, komputera po czołg…
Jego zainteresowania powodują że jest czesto nierozumiany przez innych i skazany na samotność. Aktualnie jest jednym z szeregowych członków organizacji załozonej przez „technokratycznych kapłanów” - fanatyków, którzy gardzą każdym kto głosi idee kontroli badań naukowych. Jego jedynymi prawdziwymi kumplami są barman Greg z jego ulubionego klubu „Pink Umbrella” i jego siostra Merry.
Church of Technology - Quasi religijna organizacja, która postawiła sobie za cel udoskonalenie, badanie technologii, którą ma zamiar wykorzystać do sztucznej ewolucji gatunku ludzkiego bez względu czy ktoś tego chce czy nie.
Postać AbuDhabi
Name: Jack "Death Machine" Simmons Occupation: Violent Criminal Points: 100bp, 30sp Stats [total 44bp] Body: 10 (12) [20] Mind: 9 [18] Soul: 3 [6] Hit Points: 175/175 Shock: 35 ACV: 11 DCV: 11 Attributes [total 58bp] Attack Combat Mastery 3 [9] +3 ACV \ Defense Combat Mastery 5 [10] +5 DCV \ ComTech (Lghtng Speed) 2 [2] +10 init >- Boosted Reflexes Extra Attacks 1 [8] +1 attack / Extra Defenses 1 [3] +1 defense / Tough 5 [10] +100hp >- Redundant Organs, Reinforced Skeleton Armour 1 [3] 10 damage reduction >- Subdermal Armour Enhanced Body 2 [4] +2 Body >- Muscle Augmentation Highly Skilled 6 [6] +60sp Gadgets 2 [2] 2 major, 8 minor Cred 1 [1] criminals, the Mob Skills [total 90sp] Acrobatics (Tumbling) 1 [4] Climbing (Walls) 1 [2] Computers (Intrusion/Security) 1 [6] Intimidation (Street) 1 [4] Military Sciences (Hardware Recognition) 1 [3] Medical (First Aid) 1 [3] Stealth (Silent Movement) 1 [3] Swimming (Free Diving) 1 [1] Gun Combat (Autofire) 3 [24] Heavy Weapons (Launchers) 1 [6] Ranged Defense (Personal) 3 [24] Unarmed Attack (Strikes) 1 [5] Unarmed Defense (Strikes) 1 [5] Defects [total -2bp] Wanted 2 [-2bp] for various violent crimes Equipment [2 major, 8 minor] Wearable Com [minor] smart clothes Field Medical Kit [major] awesome medkit Submachinegun [major] HK MP5 Heavy Pistol [minor] Browning Ultra-Power Accurized [minor] +1 to-hit Ammunition (HP and AP) [minor] Penetrating/half damage OR double armour/+5 damage Soft Body Armour [minor] 8 damage reduction, concealable, -2 to movement tests Gas mask [minor] -4 to vision Flash-Bang Grenade [minor] Body check or be blinded/deafened Berserker [minor] 4 doses, +1 ACM, SD (Pain x2), Blind Fury, Inept Defense, 1 hour. Attacks To-Hit Damage 1/2/3/4 Defense Misc Unarmed (Strk) 13 0 11/11/11/11 13 Submachinegun 15 10 21/18/16/13 15 Auto-Fire, Spreading, Ltd. Shots (6) Heavy Pistol 15 12 23/20/17/14 15 Concealable
Jack is a cruel asshole, with very little social skills. His hobbies include collecting firearms and killing things. In the past, he used to be a soldier, but got dishonorably discharged for excessive violence towards the civilian population in Iran. He lives unofficially in a basement somewhere, because he's wanted by Interpol (and various local law enforcement agencies). While he makes money chiefly by armed robbery, he sometimes does more elaborate hits as a freelancer for the Mob. Said Mob is also his intermediary for various shadow clinics, where he got his cyberware.
Zapis wydarzeń z sesji
Sesja z dnia 2012-10-05
Tworzenie postaci
Sesja z dnia 2013-02-02
Tony i DeathMachine dostali zlecenie od doktora Jacoba Torresa, żeby przeszkodzić w rozwoju działa orbitalnego firmie Rapid Tech. Spotkali się w barze, omówili sprawę, i następnego wieczoru pod osłoną nocy ruszyli przez las na miejsce. Przy wejściu natrafili na opór.
- Termin następnej sesji:
9 sierpnia, 10:00 - Miejsce następnej sesji: chat